Saturday, May 10, 2008

Lazy day

Well, Fridaynight my grandmom kept the kids overnight, so saturday we woke to an empty QUIET house! We went to the movies, saw Baby Momma, it was good. Funny, but we kind of expected funnier! then off to the grocery store for meats! We lucked out, a huge pack of drumsticks for 5 bucks; and we split it into 4 meals..also a big package of sausage for 4 bucks, another 4 or 5 meals outta that. We stopped at the police station to report that someone ransacked our car sometime between friday night and saturday morning when we went to the movies... Norm is real anal about locking the car, well sometimes our clicker doesn't always work. We went to bed thinking it was locked, someone went in and every thing from the glove compartment and the center console was EVERYWHERE! But they didn't take the radar detector, or the cell phone that was layin on the floor! Cradk head, prolly looking for loose change or some shit! Also someitme last week someone went in our garage and took Matt's bike... So now we have locks on EVERYTHING! i am ambout to bolt down the porch furniture!

But anyway, we had an easy dinner, more beer battered Tilapia, and some fried cauliflower! YUMMY!