Saturday, November 10, 2007


What's worse than tooth pain? If you ask me. Nothing! To me it the absolute worst pain ever, not only does it hurt, it's annoying. And what causes the tooth pain? A Cavity. So you go to the dentist and get it filled. then one day you are minding your own business eating Gummy fish.... What happens? it gets stuck to your filling and then next thing you know, Ut OH lost the filling, it got stuck in the candy and ripped out. It's Friday night, and the beginning of a 3 day Holiday weekend. Oh Crap no dentist appointment until at least Tuesday, and even then, I don's know about your dentist, but mine NEVER has same day appointments... So what's a person in pain to do?? Check out this great new product I have found!

I have found a Wonderful product! I have used, and love Dentemp OS. It's a temporary filling for cavities, and loose crowns. You can buy it at the grocery or drug store. It provides fast, temporary relief of pain and discomfort. It's easy to use, rinse your mouth with some warm water, apply the Dentemp OS, and in 30 minutes you can eat on it. This product has been tested and fully complies with FDA Regulations for Oral Care.

This is a product I keep in my medicine cabinet. It's a great temporary dental repair for those times that you just cannot get to the dentists office. You know, when it happens on Friday night of a 3 day Holiday weekend, or it happens while your dentist is on vacation, and like me you can't just randomly go to ANY dentist, it has to be YOUR dentist!

this is a sponsored post. But this is a product i really use. It is a life saver! Thanks for reading, and please feel free to leave me some comments.